Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Are people really serious?

This is more about work, so I'll warn you don't read if you are sick of hearing about my job!

One of our towers was hit by lightning in the storm on Sunday night. This, obviously caused it to go down. The powers who be were aware of this and working on it for the past two days and it is finally back up.

This is what I understand, the people who called or came in to make sure it was a tower issue and not a problem with their specific phone... This is what I don't understand, the people who want a credit for not being able to use their phone during this time.

Now, let me say this also. This issue only affected people going off of the Hancock tower (mainly Houghton). And if you were anywhere else, the phone was usuable.

So for the people that called in screaming at me because they signed up for this service and now they couldn't use it and they should be able to get out of their contract (because we DID cause the lightning to strike the tower) without the early termination fees I have a question...

When the power goes out due to weather, or some other reason, do you call the power company and demand a credit for the days the power is out because you weren't able to use it during that time? Probably not, so why is a cell phone company any different?

And I was not able to use my phone either, it was just as frustrating for me.

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