Sunday, December 2, 2007


I should have taken a picture this morning. My car was buried... Not exaggerating a bit. It's been snowing for the past few days but we definitely got dumped on last night. To the point where my car door was pushing snow out of the way when I opened it.

I love it. I love the first few months of snow. And then it gets old, and I'll be ready to move on. But for now, I love it. The only problem with this much snow is that my boots are at my parents. Along with the winter jackets that I own...


Karen said...

I remember back when you were a senior in high school and said "I would never live in the UP because I can't stand the snow and cold!" My how things have changed. I wonder what boots are yours or should I say who thinks they are theirs. Tommy was a little disappointed to see the skis he thought were his to use go back to you at Thanksgiving.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I'm in the same boat over here. Only I don't own a pair of winter boots nor a winter jacket. (And I haven't for a few years)!! And I live in the cold and snowy north too. Lol! Every year, I think I'm going to go out and get them, but I seem to make do with my spring jacket with a sweatshirt underneath. ;) {I'm not much of a (clothes) shopper. So, it's been easy to put off.}