Thursday, September 4, 2008

Running and Sunrises

My picture from yesterday:

I have started running again. After the marathon that I ran a year ago last May, I haven't put running shoes back on regularly. I'm trying to change that now and for the past two weeks, I have been on a schedule of running two or three times a week. I'm not where I want to be with speed, distance or the shape I'm in but I'm out there and I'm running. That is what counts.

Yesterday when I went for a run, the sky was just beautiful and I decided to get up this morning to catch the sunrise.

They aren't perfect pictures as far as the technical aspect goes. I'm learning, or trying to learn, how to take pictures. I enjoy this hobby, it's fun to try to capture the best photo I can. And I love having a digital camera because I can try over and over and over again!


Annette said...

sweet pictures, and way to go on the running!

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I like the sunrise pictures! The colors are great.

Leanne said...

Those are beautiful. Photography is so amazing - I think it inspires you to really "see" what's around you. Keep 'em coming!

Cari said...

once again- those are awesome pictures! and how does a triathlon next spring/summer sound?? :D