Monday, October 6, 2008

A Wonderful Weekend & The Last of September

Photo Overload Ahead...

Last weekend I finally got up to see my grandparents. It's been too long since I've made it up there. It was nice to have the time to go and visit.

They are two wonderful people. Visits with them always include lots of laughter!

We walked over to Uncle Brian's to see how his house was coming along. I couldn't resist this shot!

On Sunday, I went with Aaron to try and find a spot for his deer stand. We didn't have any luck, but I did try my hand at shooting a 12-guage shotgun.

True fact: Ever since we've been dating, we've been told congratulations on getting engaged probably once every three months. (We aren't engaged.) We'd only been dating for about eight months and my mother was asked how the wedding planning was going... I've always gotten a good laugh out of it. Maybe it's because we spend random evenings like this???


Everyone who's had to go to laundry mats knows that there are certain machines that work better than others. You learn the tricks. And it's disconcerting to go to the laundry mat when "your washer" is in use. Anyone out there know what I'm talking about?

But no matter how many times I go, I always get stuck with the bad cart. The one that will not turn, no matter what you try. I end up lifting it across the floor- might as well just use my basket...

But I know the dryers that work... And then one went and failed on me. So now I have to figure it out again.


I took a trip this weekend. Aaron and I went to the camp on Friday night. My parents had been planning on re-roofing it but it was pushed it off 'til the spring. We (Aaron and I) kept our plans to go.

Instead of roofing the camp, on Saturday the girls headed to Amish country while the boys went to a sporting goods store.

There was a young girl parked in her buggy on the side of the freeway, selling her goods. It amazes me that this is all handsewn. That takes so much talent and hard work! I had to ask if I could take a picture. She said that was fine as long as I didn't take one of her and her brother. (I'm assuming it was her brother.) The Amish consider it vanity to have pictures taken of themselves.

I love this lake. It's one of those places that doesn't ever really change. We all need spots like that.

I spent a lot of time with the three little girls this weekend. They are growing up so quickly.

Em was showing me how she had to pose for pictures at school.

I asked Laura too also, and this is what I got.

Immediately after Jodi showed me her pose she asked "are you putting that on your blog?"

I did manage to get a real smile from Laura.

Fall= leave piles= jumping!

She has the most contagious giggle. I find myself trying to make her laugh just to hear it.

And she is going to be a gorgeous young woman before too long!

As the littlest, she'll always be spoiled.

Saturday evening we headed all the way down. Sunday was my mother's birthday and Michelle had a small family party for Mom.

Where's Waldo, good for hours of entertainment!

18 years young!
After the excellent ham dinner and birthday, everyone headed to the cider mill.

Em was fasinated with these. She kept going back to the display.
"Take a picture of me holding four of them!"
And before we left she did convince Mom to let her get one.

My dad.

What would a trip to the cider mill be without fresh cider and donuts?

The whole crew. This picture makes me laugh. We've got all kinds of expressions going on here!

It was a great weekend. And it was made even nicer by having the day off today, so we didn't have to rush the trip. How did you spend your weekend?


Leanne said...

What a great post! Thanks so much for all the pictures. You know, I can't remember the last time I've seen your dad. He's so handsome! I was thinking how beautiful your sisters are and then thought again on how lovely your parents are and I thought "Oh, of course! That makes sense!"

Cari said...

you and aaron look like an old married couple.. is that really what you do for dates?! boooring ;) haha

Janelle said...
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Janelle said...

Cute Pictures :] Too bad I didn't see much of you guys :[

Annette said...

All those pictures are great! I miss the little girls (and everyone) I wish I could've been down there. I did go up north though, for the first time since Labor Day, I will see you up there this weekend if you are going to be around.

Amanda Kay said...

......I missed out on a cider mill this year....hope you enjoyed them!

Amanda Kay said...

And also - the stupid laundry mat raised their prices to $2.50 a load! Grr! The amount of money we throw away there....over 20 bucks a wonder we don't go out to eat on dates anymore!

Jodi said...

Thanks for the compliment!( about me going to be a gorgeous young women.)lol cool pic.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

It was so fun to see these pictures! I sure miss Grandma and Grandpa. And, it was fun to see pictures of your family, I can't believe how big the youngest girls are getting.

As for the laundromat, I can relate! I've used laundromats for years, in the past. Always the worst, when someone has 'your' machine!