Sunday, January 25, 2009

Decision Making

One of the reasons that I enjoy blogging is getting to know different people. It's been a great way to reconnect with people that I never would have otherwise. It's also been a great way to get to know others. I love it.

So what does decision making have to do with that? Well... often fellow bloggers are the reason that I don't post. I get on here to write, and start off by reading the list of blogs that I have in my favorites folder. (Two blogging folders actually.) And other times, when reading I am inspired with a topic for my personal blogging.

Take tonight, Laura and Mindi have both talked about surprises and decisions in different posts. I started thinking about the way I make decisions.

I am mostly a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants decider. There are times when I will research my options before I make a commitment, but those are few and far between.

When it comes to choices about my future, I don't make those decisions on my own.

For example, the first time that I quit school I had thought about it for awhile. I was on the verge of changing my major for the 5th time in a year and a half. I didn't know what to do.

The morning of what would have been my first day of the new semester, I was still undecided. So I took a sheet of paper and wrote "go" on one, and "quit" on the other. I put my trust in God and picked for the best of three.

It came up quit twice in a row and I went back to sleep.

True story.


Leanne said...

That story is hilarious...I love it. It is very interesting how different we all are. I won't rehash here, I think I responded on either Mindi's...or Laura's...or both possibly ;). Either way it's a very intersesting conversation. Your method seems very sound!

Lorz said...

LOL. I'm a big "pros vs. cons" list-maker! I like how you label the columns- go, quit. Hm. Maybe it would be more effective for me if I label my lists more specifically... :D

MindiJo said...

I actually think that's a great way to make decisions. I put a lot of trust that what is meant to be will be, though. So maybe you shouldn't go with what I think is a good idea.

Katie said...

I believe in the meant to be theory also. That's why when I can't make up my mind on my own I used the pick a paper method. I figure what ever is meant to be will show up!

Sarah said...

Hi, Katie! I like your decision-making process. It reminds me of the first time I was preparing to go to college after high school. I was undecided between two well into the summer and it got to the point where I needed a decision, like, yesterday. So I took a coin, flipped it, and there was my choice. (On the other hand, this could be a reason why I didn't last there as well.) : )

Cari said...

I'm really considering this option. Only my two papers will say "college" "work".. Of course this will only be referring to my first year, but I cannot truly make up my mind. Wouldn't it be nice if money grew on trees?!

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Haha! I love your decision making method. :) I may have to use that sometime.