Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How is it the middle of April already?

Okay, so I better have some great excuse for taking such a long break from blogging, right? Well, I don't have one other than sheer laziness. And my computer is slow.

What have I been up to? Work, trying to start spring cleaning, taking pictures, addressing invites that I ordered way too early (but it gives me time to address them slowly!), booked our honeymoon, enjoying easter dinner...

I took pictures of this sweetie last week.

She is such a content baby.

There's something about sleeping babies. I love it. Thanks Loretta for letting me practice with her!

I haven't been taking very many pictures lately. But now I have the bug again. And a week off coming up so I can take all the pictures I want. And purchase a new computer so I can post them!


Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

What a darling baby! Fun to take pics! So is your honeymoon a surprise? It would be so fun to see you. Much love from AK.

Megan said...

She really is a cutie! I'm proud to claim her as my niece! :)