Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This Morning

I finally made it to the laundry mat this morning and enjoyed the relative quietness there. I guess not many people do their laundry early in the morning.

While I was taking my clothes out of the dryer, a lady walked in and started talking to me. I wasn't quite sure why she felt the necessity to share with me that her water line is being worked on and she has a meeting to go to. It's not shameful to use the laundry mat, right?

And then she proceeded to turn the water on in the sink and dunk her head under. I realized that she had shampoo and a towel there, but no laundry.

I really wish I had my camera. Although, I probably wouldn't have taken a picture, but I was still wishing for it.

I'll have to remember the laundry mat as an option if my water is ever out.


Aleena said...


Michelle F said...

...and THAT would be why she bothered telling you that her water line was broken!! How did you not LOL?!?

Karen said...

That is so funny!

Amanda Kay said...

Too funny!

Cari said...

that is hysterical! I will definetely remember that next year if I can't pay the bills ;)

MindiJo said...

I love this! Made me laugh.