Thursday, June 5, 2008


How did it get to be June already?

Did you know that a Canadian football player once blew a tooth out of his nose? True story.

Why is it that just when you complete one thing, the next pops up and you are back where you started?

If a tire company breaks a lug nut when they are changing your tires, should you really be expected to pay for the new one?

Is it that big of a deal when someone needs a drivers license to take a check? Enough to make you cancel your service?

Seriously, aren't there better things to worry about?

Do you know that there are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo?

Or that Mona Lisa has no eyebrows?

Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie!


Karen said...

Re: licking the stamp, that is why I buy the self-stick!

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Haha! I was laughing over the canceling service/driver's license thing. When I used to write checks, it always drove me crazy that I'd need to pull out my license too. But not *that* crazy!

Janelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Jodi said...

yea happy birthday! p.s. you need to update your blog just kidding!