Sunday, February 22, 2009

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I still am between computers... So what has been happening in my life lately?

-I opened a freedom fund account. I've have always known that the money in my checking was going towards different things but I didn't realize how much it would change my view when I actually opened an account specifically for my freedom fund. A freedom fund is where you put money towards those things that you need yearly but not necessarily every month. (For example, Christmas gifts or oil changes) Need is a relative term here also, because once you figure out what those expenses are you can create just for fun funds. The idea is that you take the amount you may need for one of those categories in a year, divide that number by 12 to get the amount to put aside monthly.

-My freedom fund covers health, vision, auto, travels, camera, and Christmas to name a few. It's not perfect and I have many others to add to the list when I have the chance. But it is powerful to know that I have money set aside for new contacts, my oil changes, and Christmas. When it was all lumped together it was hard to look at it objectively. It feels good!!!

-I went to see the start of a local dog sled race the other night. It was a neat experience. I tried taking pictures and I realized that I really don't know how to take action shots in a low light situation. I was determined to try not to use my flash. I tried with the tripod, without the tripod, high shutter speed, low shutter speed... I tried panning, I tried freezing the action. And I walked away with nothing but an increased determination to continue my photography studies.

-And a healthy respect for dog sledders.

-I have a new lens coming in. I was so excited the other day when I received a package in the mail, I couldn't wait to get home to open it. It wasn't the lens though. It was my newest lesson for my photography class- which is exciting in it's own way.

-I am trying to take a picture a day this year and I just realized that I didn't take one yesterday. Does it still count if I don't miss another day?


Sharyn said...

I honestly don't know how we did it without our freedom fund - I swear by them now. It is such an awesome feeling to not have to wonder where that tax money or home insurance money is going to come from when it's due. Now it's just a simple transfer of money into the checking account and a tra-la-la. Before - it was teeth gnashing. Life changing, I tell ya. I often wish that I had begun living that way when I was your age - wow, to think where we could be now!

Keep it up!

And congrats on the lens - and it's okay to miss a day in your photo a day. That's life, yanno?

Megan said...

Aaron and the kids went to the start of the race the other night too. He said it was really neat, and that we'll go again next year. I missed it cause I had to work.

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

You've given me inspiration for the finances! It must feel good to feel at least somewhat in control of you finances. Yay!!!

I have a love/hate relationship with low lights with action . . . still figuring it out here and I do know that having a "fast" lens helps tremendously. I've learned to use the biggest aperture possible (f/1.8-3.5 . . . or whatever the lens allows) and crank up the ISO to 1000 or so, shouldn't get too much noise.
Fun to talk photography with someone! How are you liking the class? I'm loving it . . . always more to practice. :) Love ya! Jen

Michelle F said...

you are so responsible...:)

Jodi said...

I don't get half the things everyone is saying about cameras. To complicating for me to even try.

Jodi said...

I don't get half the things everyone is saying about cameras. To complicating for me to even try.

MindiJo said...

Hmmm. Thanks for sharing the Freedom Fund with us. D.R. does the envelope system- so I just sorta started envelopes for each of those things. But it would be easier if it wasn't so accessible. Share more of your wisdom with us, please. It's always good to hear and learn from someone else.