Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm dreaming

We have this program at work where we can earn reward points and exchange them for different items. It's really nice.

I've been saving mine, I'm hoping to earn enough to get a lens for my camera.

Well, I was browsing the catalog the other day and I realized that I have enough points to "purchase" this lens.

But this is the one I really want. Yet, I'd need to earn three times as many points and I just don't see that happening before they expire. I'm debating- should I wait and see? Or should I just get the one that I can?
What do you think?


Sharyn said...

tough choice! This is the one I want:

Of the two you're debating on - I think the 28-300 would be worth the weight, not only because of the wider range, but because of the lower F stop. The reason I'm goaling for the one I picked is because the F stop is even lower - a 2.8 I'm so used to my smaller F stops that I would have a hard time going over a 3 - but that's what I shoot and what I'm used to. They're all fun in the end. :)

Sharyn said...

Worth the wait. lol I shouldn't post before coffee - my brain don't work

Julie L. said...

Hmmmm... I have to agree, wait for the 28-300.... I have the 18-200 and I love being able to get that wider angle that you wouldn't be able to with the 70... but either would be really fun to have.

Katie said...

I know that I want the wider angle, but sometimes in this "instant gratification" world, it's easy to loose track of that!

Cari said...

I say get it while you can.

...(I have no idea what the difference is)

and I'm actually learning stuff in photography now.. imagine that! :)

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Hey-- Now I am a regular on your blog :) Definitely go with the lower f stop--I would love the lens Sharyn said. I bet it costs a lot of $$. sad. someday. I "cheaper" lower f stop lens is a Tamron 28-75 f/ 2.8 for about $300. That would be pretty versatile. I think that is my next lens. Wow-sorry so long. (I have a big photography list wish as well :) Love ya! Jen