Friday, May 15, 2009


My Gramma, Kara and I headed to my parents on Tuesday night. We spent two full days down there and made it back around four this afternoon.

I can't upload my pictures to my computer because I had a dress fitting while I was down there and I don't want Aaron to see the pictures from that. It's a good thing I have two memory cards.

This picture I stole from my Mother. These are my bridesmaids: Cari, Annette and Kara.
While I was down there I also figured out my flowers. Or what I need to order, thanks to Julie L. So that takes care of one more big thing. Now I just have to order Aaron's ring and find a veil.


Loretta Marie said...

Make a veil, you're crafty aren't you? And they're actually a lot easier than you would think! I think I made mine for under $10.

Unknown said...

Or borrow one from someone...that's what I did. It's not like people really ever need to wear their veils again. I borrowed mine from my sister in law (plus then it can be your "something borrowed" :)

Megan said...

I borrowed mine..... but you already know that. :)