Monday, June 4, 2007

Summer plans and thoughts

I decided to try out this new online blog... We'll see how it goes! I like reading Michelle's to catch up with her, so I thought I would give it a whirl!

It's a beautiful day in the Copper Country. I am looking forward to getting my house in order. It feels so nice to have a place that is just mine after going the past nine months without having that. I've had good roommates and bad roommates, but the place I stayed at in South Carolina was definitely one I was glad to leave. It's funny how that works, I lived there for seven months and always felt like I was a visitor. So it's nice to have room for me.

I'm looking forward to the summer up here. I have so many plans, but I'm sure I will only end up doing a quarter of what I would like. Oh well, half the fun of summer is planning for it!

I got to spend time with Leigh while we were in Traverse City. That was nice. We haven't seen each other in about two years, so we had a good time catching up. She's the only person that I have kept in touch with from my graduating class. Can't believe it's been 5 years already. I remember graduating and thinking that by this point I'll have everything figured out- have graduated from college, have a job and be settled... Funny how things don't work out the way you imagine. Now that I'm older and wiser (with a large dose of sarcasm in that quote), I know better than to imagine where I'll be five years from now!


Michelle F said...

Hello hello Katie! Awesome to have you jump on the bandwagon! It is easier than emailing sometimes...glad to hear you are all moved and such! Have a good day at work!

Karen said...

If you have a blog, you are suppose to update it now and then. Love, Mom

Cari said...

I was so excited that you started a blog (these things are addicting even to READ them) and then you STILL havn't updated..

Katie said...

I try but not having a computer and working when the library is open doesn't leave me much time to get here!