Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Goals for the Coming Year

What are my aspirations for the year?

*I wish to become a better photographer. This will take time. I know that. It is going to require dedication on my part. I’m going to have to learn to manage my hours better.

*I want to take a vacation to somewhere tropical. I am really dreaming of this right now.

*I want to follow my freedom plan, my way to stay out of debt. I want the only new debt that I go into this year to be a house mortgage. Bringing me to:

*I want to buy a house. With a dishwasher, and washing machine and dryer. :)

I am working on these goals. I am taking a photography course. I have been saving for a vacation, and a house. I have my debt free plan written out, I just need to be a bit more dedicated at following it. It's a work in progress!


Leanne said...

What great resolutions! And what a great investment right now. You know, if you buy before July 1, you qualify for the first-time homebuyer $7500 tax credit (interest free loan from the IRS) toward your home! I was actually just going to blog about it; make sure to ask your loan officer if you don't have the information already!

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

Katie, you are so inspiring. It just jazzes me up to read people's dreams/aspirations! Go girl, we can talk photography together. exciting!! And the debt-free plan. Yes, I need some dedication, too. :)

Amanda Kay said...

Well Katie, you have made me realize how far behind I am on the whole savings thing. Tonight Paul and I are sitting down and once and for all putting ourselves on a budget!! I have been paying a lot more on my car though, so that's one thing getting paid off! It's just high time we get our savings account a little further along!

Colleen said...

Hi Katie,

You have some excellent goals. I've been trying to do the debt free thing. I even bought the Dave Ramsey - Complete Money Makeover book. I thinks his plan would work if I would just follow it. I also have to finish reading the book. As far as a house goes, that would be great. It's been 11 yrs. since I bought my house and I have no regrets. I don't have a dish washer (oh ya, that's what Molly is for and she's really good at it). It was nice visiting with you and Aaron tonight. I think Molly and I did most of the talking. We'll let you and Aaron talk next time. We'll have to hook up and go snowshoeing one of the days/nights. If you want a couple of old ladies tagging along. We could go out for a bite to eat after. You know me, there's always food involved. Good luck on achieving your goals. Talk to you soon.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I'm so happy for you that you're so on top of your game. Good luck on the house! It's inspiring because we still don't have our finances in order!