Sunday, August 19, 2007

An exercise in rambling

First a note to those wanting pictures... I reverted to film for the reunion. I love my Canon. So... it'll be a bit before those are posted seeing as my four rolls of film are looking at me as I type. In the meantime, Anne posted quite a few nice pictures.

Dad and Mom ended up coming here after the reunion so I got to spend a bit of time with them and the kids. I took Janelle, Jodi and Emily to the Harbor one day. We visited the fort, talked to the actors there and played on the playground. (Em wanted to know why we had to go into every building before we could get to the playground.) Treated the girls to ice cream after. Those pictures are on film also.

The lot has the beginnings of a driveway now. Quite the change from this spring when I would go for walks and try to figure out where exactly our lot was.

It was really windy one night so Janelle and I had a ton of fun going for sauna swim. Didn't have my camera then.

Ever wonder what exactly are "sauna clothes"?

Been feeling sad and helpless after this weekend. I wish there was something I could do. I am extremely grateful for our faith. It is absolutely comforting when a young christian is taken. I always remember my Dad's words from years ago... He told me that sometimes the young ones are taken to remind us of our faith. Isn't that the truth?

The girls, Jodi, Annie (Kristin's) and Laura put on a play for us last night. I wish I could have video-taped it. They could hardly act for laughing so hard. And the motions they made when they took their bows... One of those things that I would love to have the ability to describe.

Tommy, Aaron and I went for dinner tonight. Tommy will be coming to school up here in a year. That's the plan as of right now. Hard to imagine. I don't feel old enough for T to be a senior this year...

The weather is cooling down and the leaves have been changing for weeks. I'm not ready for fall. It is my favorite season but I want to enjoy summer for awhile longer.

Sigh. Here's to another week that'll fly by! Funny how the older you get, the faster time goes.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I remember when your aunt Becki passed away, I got to know her a little because we were on the same coffee committee, and how it affected everyone. But what a comfort to be reminded,by your uncle Joe K, that "God does not make mistakes" and always "His will is seldom ours". Iam so grateful for all of the friends I have that share the same precious faith and the bonus for me is they come in all ages!