Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter, work, and other thoughts

*Happy Good Friday! And happy Easter to everyone!

*Unfortunately, I work at a company which is still open today. So I'm heading into work in a little while. There are some changes coming up with work and positions so we have been short-staffed lately. We've been working long, crazy hours but that will be over soon! I can't wait to get back on a normal schedule.

*I ordered my pictures online again. They were waiting for me at the post office yesterday and I was so impressed with the quality. I ordered through and will definitely be going through them again. Seriously, impressed.

*Do you ever use a word and then wonder if you've made it up? This happened to me the other day. I was describing someone and called said person "smarmy". The girls I was talking to me looked at me like I was crazy- they had never heard of it and asked me to explain. In a moment of self-doubt I googled the word. Smarmy: buttery, unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech.
I bet we all know someone for whom the word fits perfectly.

*I get to see my nephew soon!


Unknown said...

sounds like a lawyer description word, lol... must explain why I knew exactly what you meant, haha. :)

Unknown said...
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Michelle F said...

only you Katie! Why didn't you mention that you get to see me soon too?!

Karen said...

She didn't mention that she gets to see you soon because she was talking about this past weekend, not next weekend. Otherwise I am sure she would have mentioned you too.

Amanda Kay said...

I love the "smarmy", but me on the other hand would totally think it's a made up word and love it just the same!