I feel a little egotistical doing this as a giveaway. It makes me nervous. But I have this picture:
Monday, September 29, 2008
I feel a little egotistical doing this as a giveaway. It makes me nervous. But I have this picture:
Quick Preview
I was gone for training, and was able to have a rental car. The nice thing about rentals is you get to try out different types of vehicles. I keep a running list of types of cars I like and dislike from those experiences. This one? It was nice and roomy, I liked that. But there wasn't much space for luggage...
In the town that I had training at, there are these corn statues (for lack of a better description). I have no idea why they are there, I keep meaning to google it to find out.
And in the historic "old Dublin" there was this rock wall. I found it to be very unique. I'm not sure that I would want anything like this in front of my house, but it definitely adds character!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
A Few Randoms
I love days that start out looking like this. (Or somewhat like this, seeing as I doctored the color.) Fall is absolutely my favorite season ever. And the days that the sky is gloomy, the wind is howling and the only thing you want to do is curl up and read a good book.... Love those days!
This is a place by my work. I have been bringing my camera everywhere I go these days. And it struck me that this would make a cool background for portraits.
I had this kid over for dinner the other day. I was really glad that he was able to come. He's up here for his first year at school and apparently learning all the tricks on how to get free meals. I told him that I would be more than willing to have him over at least once a week. As I've said before, I do enjoy cooking and it's always nice to have someone who appreciates it to help eat the meal!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Quick Trip
He loves it!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My stories
I have read these books many times but I have never read them from 1-7. When I first started reading Harry Potter, there were four books out. And I always anticipated the release of the next. When my parents were up here I read the first one to Jodi and decided to keep going to the end. I am noticing little discrepancies that I never did before. I'm also noticing details that come together in ways I didn't realize. But I'm also remembering what an excellent series this really is!
This is my crafting area. Someday I will have a biggger space in which to do my creating. For now my table usually looks like this- it needs to be cleaned, dusted and actually used more regularly.
Aaron and I went for a drive last night and we saw this sight. It's a little too dark I think, but it captures something that speaks to me.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Still Here
And on this day I just wanted to say thank you to all of those who have served, do serve, or have loved ones in the services. We need people like you!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Check This Out
But I did enjoy turning this picture:
Into this:
A fun website to be sure!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Laugh and Be Happy
I remember being in awe of her. There are a few years between us and I couldn't believe that I was special enough for Leanne to take notice of. We lived in different states- still do, and didn't see each other very often at all (which is the case with most of my cousins.) I vividly remember being at my grandparents when Leanne was there and she had one long fingernail (maybe you had all long fingernails, but I remember just looking at one...) That was so cool. I couldn't keep my fingernails long if I tried. (Remember I was 7-8 years old at this time.)
Anyway, we wrote to each other for a quite few years and then this and that got in the way- mainly I became a very poor correspondent. But even though I wasn't much of a letter writer, Leanne still remembered my high school graduation and sent me this:
I asked her about it recently as we have gotten back in touch and she could not recall the pig. So Leanne, there it is. And it still makes me smile every time I see it!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Running and Sunrises
I have started running again. After the marathon that I ran a year ago last May, I haven't put running shoes back on regularly. I'm trying to change that now and for the past two weeks, I have been on a schedule of running two or three times a week. I'm not where I want to be with speed, distance or the shape I'm in but I'm out there and I'm running. That is what counts.
Yesterday when I went for a run, the sky was just beautiful and I decided to get up this morning to catch the sunrise.
They aren't perfect pictures as far as the technical aspect goes. I'm learning, or trying to learn, how to take pictures. I enjoy this hobby, it's fun to try to capture the best photo I can. And I love having a digital camera because I can try over and over and over again!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September beginnings
From day 1: Aaron doesn't think we have enough pictures of the two of us, so I was happy to begin to fix that problem.
Day 2: I did it, I went back to school this semester. I'm only taking one three credit class, but I'm going back.
Changed Header
Well duh, right? Of course life is daily... And yet, I know that I tend to forget that. Too many times I'm worried about what's coming up in the next few days or weeks and I forget to slow down and enjoy what is happening right now.
My new goal, to take the time to enjoy each day! Because after all, life IS daily.
Monday, September 1, 2008
What I Did Last Night
I then told him I was proud of him and promised to never divulge his secrets if only he would fill me in on what they were.
I came home empty-handed.
That is what I did last night.