Thursday, September 13, 2007

Garbage Day

Today is my day off... And I'm getting things done. Laundry, grocery shopping etc. Finally picked up a new toilet seat so I won't fall off everytime I go to sit on the thing. You'd think it wouldn't have taken me so long to buy a new one. Except the only time I ever thought about needing one was when the seat was sliding off the toilet...

I've also been going through all of the old papers and things I have stockpiled around here. I'm really trying to get rid of those things that I "might need someday." Like the paper I wrote on the Mayans in 5th grade. Or that math test that I got an A on in 6th.

It feels good to fill my garbage bag.

I'm going to Gramma and Grampa's tonight. Gramma invited me for supper. Definitely looking forward to that. Maybe the waves will be big there also.

1 comment:

Michelle F said...

You do not need your stuff from elementary school!! LOL I know it is hard to get rid of things...tell G&G "hello"