Thursday, September 20, 2007

Like Grandma...

I hate doing dishes. I wonder if I get this from my mom's mother? Is it possible that something like that could be passed down? I just remember being at Grandpa and Grandma's and hearing her talk about not liking to do dishes.

This is going through my head as I read blogs instead of doing my dishes... I usually try to tell myself that I can come to the computer after emptying out the sink. That's not working tonight. Although, if I had a dishwasher, it wouldn't be such a chore. Someday.


Unknown said...

Does anyone really like to do dishes?? I know it's my least favorite chore. I would rather clean a bathroom than do dishes. Maybe it's more common than you think ;)

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I used to love doing dishes until we started moving from place to place. Now I get overwhelmed because I feel like I have so much other work to do!