Saturday, September 29, 2007

This and That

Gramma had us up for dinner this week. That was nice. Great Aunt Eva stopped by... I don't know Eva all that well, but it sure was fun to listen to some of her stories. She made a comment regarding the recent chemo she has been going through, and it stuck with me.

She was talking about how some days are hard and the somewhat direct quote was "Life's a battle. Everyday you wake up and you have to smile- smile until you make it."

Brian and Jean were there also. I think I've seen more of my aunts and uncles from MN this year then in the past few combined. I've said it before, but it really is nice to get to know them as an *adult*.

I fell asleep one night recently stressing about my numbers at work. The thing is, I really like my job. I'm just afraid that it's going to get slow, I won't make my numbers and then I won't have a choice but to find a new job. Hasn't happened yet, but I'm thinking ahead. Glass half-empty kind of thinking.

Anyway, I was trying to decide what I would want to do if I didn't do what I do. (Haha). So I started thinking about the jobs I have held and enjoyed, along with the pastimes I enjoy.

In a perfect world, I would love to take candid shots for money. Go to birthday parties, weddings, graduations, etc and take those pictures that capture the little moments. That's something that I enjoy trying to do- capture the pictures that show emotion. I wouldn't want to do formal posed shots, but I'd love to do the behind the scenes deal. Of course, I'd have to take a photography class or two. And compete with the many other photographers up here. But I would enjoy it.

For now, I like my job and I made it through another month.


Amanda Kay said...

Go for the photography Katie. Be inpsired by others and tweak it to your own way! Why not?!! What have you got to lose?? There are plenty of events, as in weddings, up here that you probably couldn't have enough photographers for!

Junkyard Jennifer said...

And adding to Amanda's comment, I always think you should follow your dreams! I wish I'd gotten into interior design when I was single (like I dreamt of doing) and I could've carried it over to my married life with kids. You could do the same with photography. Just start with baby steps and work your way into the business! Go for it! :)

You could even start out slowly while you're still at your current job, if you wanted to keep the "safety net".

Katie said...

I do think that it's something I would love to do... I just have no idea where to begin!