Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's HOT

And humid... And I don't have air... Living in an apartment is really nice sometimes but on weeks like this it's pretty brutal. Like when I have to take a cold shower before I go to sleep and again when I wake up... Although it hasn't been bad enough this year to have to get up in the middle of the night and take another one just to cool off. I remember doing that when I was on the third floor of an apartment building.

Yet, it doesn't seem worth it to me to purchase an air conditioning unit to use for the few weeks that I would need it. So I buy fans. And they don't always work. But I'm cheap. So I'll stick with the fans. And when I build my dream home someday, I'll equip that with central air. For now, it's the showers that do the magic.

I also keep putting off doing my laundry. Who wants to spend time at the laundrymat when it's 90+ outside? Not my idea of a great time.

While I'm confessing things I'm putting off because of the heat, I'll also tell you that my house needs to be cleaned, my bed put together and I need to go grocery shopping. Although, the grocery store is probably air conditioned.

But I'd rather go to the beach.

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