Saturday, July 7, 2007

More about Work

My company was bought out. We found this out last week. So now comes the time of waiting to see what is going to happen. It will be a great thing for our customers because once the transition goes through we will be able to provide them with the latest and greatest technology. I'm hoping that it will end up being good for my job also. It's a little nerve-wracking waiting to see what will happen. The final merger won't go through until January at the earliest so I'm trying to adopt the policy of taking it one day at a time.

This on top of the one month at a time mantra we all have. See, in my position I have a quota that I have to meet. This means that I have to sell x number of phones each month to keep my job. I wasn't too worried about this the first three months because I was on a probation period in which they don't count quota (I made it anyway). Now I am off of that probational time and my quota's doubled with me going to full-time. The end of the month is a time when tempers are high and stress levels soar in the "office".

That said, I love my job. I never thought that I would like a sales position but I do. I thrive on the challenge of meeting my goals. And I love knowing that what I do directly affects my paycheck. I have a slightly competitive nature, and I get to set the goals for myself and meet them, or try to. I also enjoying learning about cell phones and the technology behind them. Who would have thought that most problems can be solved simply by shutting your phone off once a day?

I'm probably a bit obsessed, as I was mentioning in my last post. Aaron gets tired of me telling him the cool features on this phone, or that headset and did you know that the latest _____phone can do that?! And on top of this, I'm always pushing him to switch over to us. Sad to say, he is with the competition...

It's good to love my job


Michelle F said...

Good to hear you like your job! That would be hard to always know what the latest and greatest phones are - and not have one! Sales is fun as long as it is not selling candy bars! LOL

Karen said...

Hey Katie, I somehow stumbled upon your blog today. It's fun to read about what you've been up to!!