Monday, July 2, 2007

Internet, flies and thoughts on becoming an aunt

I'm so excited that I have the internet at home now! The guy came and set it up this morning. I had to do some rearranging since the place I had my computer wouldn't work, but it's okay! Such is life.

My apartment has flies in it. I've spent half the morning chasing after the dumb things. Why is it that you can never find them when you have a flyswatter in your hand but everytime you are settling down to enjoy a nice peaceful nap they are right there buzzing in your ear? And of course those are the times that the flyswatter is halfway across the room so by the time you get there that fly is nowhere to be found.

We are having an addition to the family. Kelli and Bryan are expecting. It's pretty exciting news for all of us. I can't wait to be an aunt!

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